Memorial Living Tree

Memorial Living Tree

Areas of Quiet Waters Park are
designated as “Memorial Groves”
and native trees are planted as
designated Memorials Trees.  The
Park rangers will plant the living
tree and install a plastic tag with the
name you designate.  They also will
maintain the Memorial Living
Tree over time to the extent possible.

How to Donate a Memorial Tree

The donation amount varies
depending on the type of tree
available, and is generally around
$500, including the cost of the
tree itself, expenses for a memorial
tag, planting, and a 3-year
replacement guarantee. The
application form is below

Once the application is submitted, you will receive an email notification of the type of tree available, the approximate location where it will be planted, and the exact cost. You can pay by check, credit card, or PayPal. Instructions for payment will be included in the email notification.

When the tree has been planted, the name of the donor and location of the tree will be available in a book inside the Visitor Center in the Park if you or others would like to visit the site. 

The following park policies are followed:

    • All memorials are approved in advance by the Park Superintendent.
    • Quiet Waters Park will facilitate purchase of approved trees and oversee installation.
    • Cost of both the tree and planting is the full responsibility of the donor.
    • While we will take reasonable care of trees and memorials, we cannot guarantee that trees and plants will survive for any specified length of time. As a Donor, you will be notified in the event that the memorial has to be removed for any reason and will be offered the opportunity to replace it.  A tree will be replaced if needed for up to three years without additional charges, after that time it is considered a new tree with attendant charges.
    • Outside horticultural care (spraying, pruning, etc.) will NOT be allowed; all care will be provided by the park staff.
    • Friends of Quiet Waters Park will acknowledge memorial donations and maintain records of gifts.
    • Tree plantings will be done in the early Spring or Fall except in special circumstances.
    • Quiet Waters Park does NOT perform any ceremony.

For more information please contact

Please complete the Application below. Once the application is submitted, you will be notified via email of the type of tree available, the approximate location where it will be planted, and the exact cost.