Celebrate National Pollinator Week — June 17-23

Celebrate National Pollinator Week 
June 17-23 

at Quiet Waters Park  

New and different Activities each day! 
Activities focus on the important roles of butterflies, bees and other insects 

Some Activities are for 18 years+. 
Many are for Children with an Adult.
All are free, but some require advance registration. 

Most Events will be held in The Reading & Butterfly Garden.
Quiet Waters Park’s haven for pollinators located near the reflecting pool!

Listen to storytellers weave tales, 
Improve your macro photography skills,
Take a bug hike with the park’s Horticulturist or a Ranger,
Participate in a Bioblitz,
Learn about Native Bees & Honey Bees,
Walk the park’s trails, encountering plants and animals, and learn how each is linked in this forest ecosystem.

For registration information and schedule:

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